
August 14, 2008

This is an introduction

Not too long ago, 6 bitches met on nuffnang. They chatted with each other on innit, and one day the Bitch Leader bought them together on MSN. We started bitching about other bloggers all night long, and found common dislike for some.

And now, the 6 bitches unite, and present to the blogging community, The Bitchy Bloggers.

DoctorBitch, the one who have an opinion on anything and everything, most of them negative.

BimboBitch, bitch on her and you’ll get bitched. And she never forgets a grudge…

IFuckBitch, a fucker who fuck bitches, but who is also a bitch.

PoliticalBitch, no one is ever to famous for PB to bitch about.

SaintBitch, a saint can be bitchy too.

And of course the BitchLeader, the ultimate bitch. His bitching shows no form but yet is deadly…

Bitching bought us together, and bitching is what we’ll do.

Yours Bitchingly,

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