
September 6, 2008

7 reasons to despises the innit whore

Here’s a desperado whom I’m pretty sure half of the nuffnangers knows about.Here's what one of my sources had to say about him.

'he is such a link whore asking ppl to link him and then only he will link them back when in the first place he is the one offering link exchange.'

Now, let me begin my '7 reasons why we bitches despises him'.

1.One word-fake.

Like what my source mentioned above,he is a link whore.Even if he actually dislike that particular blogger,he will still ask for an exchange of links.

2.Shamelessly promoting his innit post on nuffnang.

‘Hey K. Go to my blog and you’ll know what I’m talking about.*insert his innit post’s link*’
‘you see, I actually posted about it*insert his innit post’s link*’
‘Hey Y. Nang me ok.*insert his innit post’s link*’

Sounds familiar?You possibly had a chat with the infamous innit whore before this...

3.Just 'dang' him?Please go back and take a look at your past innit entry.he possibly went and 'dang' all of yours.He is that revengeful.

Just one 'dang' from you and he will 'dang' back 10 of yours!

4.Can't take criticism.

A source told us bitches about a particular incident where a certain blogger criticize him on his content.And SNAP!He flamed back at the particular blogger,giving us a entertaining blog war to watch.

Well,if your content is questionable,please don't blame others for being truthful when they say that your content is crap!

5.Evident from the previous post,he whines about being danged.

Not just whine.He possibly cry in secret about it.

6.He is there,he is always there.

In innit that is.He will monitor every single nang and dang he gets.And you better be careful while chatting at innit.

7.Last point withdrawn.

Turned out that my so called source of information ain't reliable.

Yours Bitchingly,

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